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Afghani№1 Feminised Silver

Brand: Errors Seeds Silver
Terpenes Terpenes: myrcene
Effect Effect: relaxing
THC THC: 20%
Type Type: predominantly Indica
Flowering Flowering: 55–65 days
Yield Yield: 350–400 g/m²
Genetics Genetics: Afghan x Ruderalis
Harvest Harvest: october
Plant height Plant height: 130–170 cm

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39.00 грн

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Семян в упаковке:

General Characteristics

Afghani #1 Feminized Cannabis Seeds sprout quickly and develop into high yielding female plants. They acquire a compact and lush appearance with a dense dense structure, due to which their short stature is compensated. Afghani #1 is fairly easy to grow and will not cause any problems even for an inexperienced grower. Active resin production on the surface of the entire bush makes the variety suitable for making high-quality hashish. Cultivation can be practiced both in open ground and in enclosed spaces.

Origins and awards

The original version of Afghani#1 was found in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan in the 70s. In those days, cannabis culture was developing rapidly and many people traveled through Pakistan, then across the Afghan border to the Hindukush and Chitral mountain ranges, then to Mazar i Shariff to Kandahar in order to find clean indica strains. Over the found species, many years of breeding work were carried out, one of which gave the world feminized cannabis seeds of the Afghani #1 variety.

Taste and effect

Intense smoky flavors with spicy hashish and spice tones interspersed with soft woody threads and a menthol-lemon aftertaste reveal the classic essence of cannabis. A large amount of resin increases the intensity of the smell coming from the bushes. In their aroma there are shades of sandalwood with touches of all kinds of spices and sweet and sour notes of citrus. Afghani #1 gives the strongest effect, which, with the onset of action, will give intoxicating sensations, manifested by an all-consuming relaxation of the body and a psychedelic trip of consciousness.

Medical use

Afghani #1 is one of the best varieties of medical cannabis, as it closely interacts with the physiological and cerebral state of a person, alleviating and eliminating ailments such as:

  • nausea;
  • panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • alarm states;
  • chronic pain;
  • migraines;
  • lack of appetite.

chitral  (31/01/2018)

как обычно

Качество как всегда на высоте. Шиши закончились, неплановый пробил через сито, один полный напер, не хуже центра!!!
zet762  (26/01/2016)

о да

мне эта семка попала как бонус,и если честно я в восторге выросло дерево высотой метров 4,шириной метров 5 поливал только органикой куриное и перепелиное дерьмо,убивает с одного водного водного респект!!!!!!!
Олег  (28/01/2015)


Все хорошо ! при цветении имеет сильный кисловатый, напоминающий гашиш запах, а при курении имеет острый гашишный вкус и дает дурманящий расслабляющий эффек. Спасибо очень рад ---- Они принесли большой урожай.

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