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Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold seeds

Brand: Errors Seeds Gold
Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold Hemp Seeds
Effect Effect: Euphoric, relaxing
THC THC: 15%
Type Type: Sativa - 70%/Indica - 20%/Ruderalis - 10%
Flowering Flowering: 8-9 weeks
Yield Yield: up to 400 g/m²
Genetics Genetics: Maroc x Purple Power
Plant height Plant height: 150 cm

125.00 грн

Number of Seeds:

Только для Украины

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Семян в упаковке:

Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold is an amazing strain from Errors Seeds Gold that has a unique taste and unique purple hues. This hybrid combines the qualities of Moroccan varieties and autoflowering genetics, offering a high level of quality and productivity.

Variety characteristics:

  • Aroma and Taste: Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold has a unique aroma and taste, with hints of spice, earth and citrus that are beautifully complemented by purple undertones. This variety will give you a unique experience.
  • Effect: This strain provides a strong and long-lasting effect that begins with a pleasant uplift and progresses to deep relaxation, ideal for evening rest and relaxation.
  • Yield: Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold provides excellent yields of up to 150g per plant, making it an attractive choice for experienced and novice growers.
  • Plant height: Plant height is 100-120 cm, making it ideal for growing in confined spaces and individual gardens.
  • Blooming time: This variety has a short flowering period of 8-9 weeks, making it an ideal choice for those who value speed and efficiency in growing.

Auto Maroc Purple Feminised Gold is the ideal choice for lovers of quality cannabis who value a unique taste, a powerful effect and a generous harvest.

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