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Auto Skunk Haze Feminised Silver

Brand: Errors Seeds Silver
Terpenes Terpenes: terpinolene, linalool, pinene
Effect Effect: sedative
THC THC: 15%
Type Type: predominantly Sativa
Flowering Flowering: 55–60 days
Yield Yield: 300–500 g/m²
Genetics Genetics: Skunk x Haze
Harvest Harvest: 70–80 days
Plant height Plant height: 75–150 cm

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1.57 €

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Семян в упаковке:

This sativa-dominant culture is one of the top strains on the market today. Even a novice cannabis grower can grow marijuana seeds Auto Skunk Haze Feminised Silver - this is an unpretentious plant that adapts perfectly to individual growing conditions.

The plant produces a large number of large resinous inflorescences that exude a pleasant noble aroma.

  • The resin of this variety contains about 15% THC;
  • The duration of flowering is from 55 to 60 days;
  • A grower can get up to 500 grams of crop per square meter of crops;
  • The height of the shrub is about 75-150 centimeters.

The unconditional varietal potential of the plant was noted at international competitions and festivals, where the promising plant won prizes. The use of marijuana in moderation has a pronounced analgesic and sedative effect on the human body.

We recommend buying Auto Skunk Haze Feminised Silver cannabis seeds with delivery to Kharkiv and other cities of the country. In addition to certified seed, the store has a rich collection of equipment and products for growing.

Alex  (18/06/2021)
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