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Home Buddha Seeds Auto White Dwarf Feminised seeds

Auto White Dwarf Feminised seeds | Buddha Seeds

Brand: Buddha Seeds
Effect Effect: relaxing
Type Type: predominantly Indica
Yield Yield: up to 450 g/m²
Harvest Harvest: 65 days
Plant height Plant height: low
Taste Taste: sweet

6.50 €

Number of Seeds:

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Семян в упаковке:

Auto White Dwarf is a multi-coloured bloom with a strong scent and a sweet scent.

Auto White Dwarf is ready to harvest two months after planting, regardless of photoperiod. This trait makes it ideal for early cultures. In addition, the plant has a small modest size, which makes it easy to hide from prying eyes.

Auto White Dwarf cannabis seeds, thanks to their unpretentiousness and powerful adaptive abilities, easily forgive any cultivation mistakes and do not require the creation of special conditions. Pleasant and easy grow, generous harvest and high quality staff will give you a huge amount of pleasant moments, not overshadowed by any unpleasant surprises. Thanks to its excellent resistance to adverse factors, fungal and mold infections, even a novice grower can handle growing Auto White Dwarf.

Natural resistance and short cycle times reduce the likelihood of problems during its growth. This variety is a safe bet for beginners.

Buddha Seeds Certificate

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