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Fertilizer kit Well Grow

Brand: Well Grow

46.02 €

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Семян в упаковке:

IMPORTANT! The selected volume of the order means the sum of the volumes of 3 fertilizers.


For example: if you choose to order a volume of 0.3 liters, it means that you will receive 3 bottles with a volume of 0.1 liters, 1 of each fertilizer. But in total you will get 0.3 liters of ready fertilizer.



In this kit we have collected the entire line of WellGrow E-series fertilizers. Now you no longer need to spend time searching and comparing different types of fertilizers. It is worth noting that buying fertilizers in a set you get a full set of all the useful elements and minerals that your plant will need from the seed to the moment of harvest.

A pleasant bonus is that buying fertilizers in a set is more profitable than retail - 10% discount.

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*Відповідь представника компанії Errors Seeds:*
Доброго дня. В клітинках вказані мілілітри. Їх * на 10 л та отримуемо розчин. 18 Н- 18 годин вегетації, а 12 - цветіння

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