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Neville's Haze Feminised Gold

Brand: Errors Seeds Gold
Terpenes Terpenes: limonene
Effect Effect: cerebral
THC THC: 23%
Type Type: predominantly Sativa
Flowering Flowering: 98–100 days
Yield Yield: up to 1200 g/m²
Genetics Genetics: Almost Pure Haze
Harvest Harvest: October-November
Plant height Plant height: 170-240 cm

2.84 €

Number of Seeds:

Только для Украины

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Семян в упаковке:

General Features

Neville's Haze feminized hemp seeds combine two contradictory qualities: rapid growth and relatively long maturation. The hybrid is intended for cultivation indoors, but it also does well in southern climates outdoors. Tall and graceful Neville's Haze bushes are covered with long, wide branches, which form fluffy, heavy buds.


Neville’s Haze feminized cannabis seeds are the result of a fusion of the NL5, Haze and original Haze genes, which provided the culture with unique qualities: record yield, ability to withstand adverse factors, an original effect and powerful immunity.

Taste and effect

During flowering, Neville's Haze buds fill the surrounding area with an intoxicating aroma that doesn't even remotely resemble the classic smell of marijuana. The fruits of the culture exude a complex aroma, in which notes of grapes, plums and lemon are clearly audible. The smell of the variety fascinates with its intensity and persistence. Its unique sweet and sour floral smoke causes genuine delight and admiration even among experienced rastafarians. Culture has a significant increase in motor and brain activity, accompanied by mild euphoria, which is replaced at the final stage by a feeling of deep relaxation.

Medical use

Neville's Haze is an excellent remedy for depression, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue. The hybrid helps to get rid of pain, muscle spasm and insomnia. Due to its pronounced antispasmodic effect, its administration also allows stabilizing the condition of patients with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Леха Канаба  (07/03/2019)

не травите душу

берете марлю мочите в тарелочку(мочите.ска.а не заливаете.!и вуаля следите и не проморгайте....братки с эррорс всю житуху с вами гудит весь город!!!от пациков рапа в душу !!!
Дмитрий  (19/04/2018)

Nevilles Haze Feminised

Заказывал 5 штук от Error-seeds и 1 Nevilles Haze Feminised импорт (уж очень описание понравилось))..В итоге от Error-seeds все стартанули, а вот Nevilles Haze Feminised импорт так и не проклюнулась (скорее не дозревшая, зеленоватая зернышко) Вот вам и импорт!)) Лучше бы все взял от Error-seeds)) Номер заказа 119852
111  (18/03/2018)


Какого сидбанка орехи?
Uyrik  (20/02/2018)

Neville's Haze Feminised

Чи можно сажать на улице
Кэп  (08/04/2016)


Подскажите, на 49 широте в ауте успеет вызреть?Или не заморачиаться
Кайзер  (01/04/2016)

Невил Хейз

Если руки не из жопы, то в 180 см боксе спокойно, можешь пару вырастить, не без ЛСТ, конечно же
LSD xD  (21/03/2016)


Такого тигра выкормить на домашке не реально ) , или комнату под него отводить .) Динозавр еще тот .
zzzZz  (27/10/2015)


Этот вид подойдет для прокуренных, в выращивании трудоемкий, но оно того стоит

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