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Home Auto Power Plant Feminised Silver seeds 500 pcs

Auto Power Plant Feminised Silver seeds 500 pcs

Brand: Errors Seeds Silver
Terpenes Terpenes: terpinolene
Effect Effect: cerebral
THC THC: 18%
Type Type: Indica/Sativa
Flowering Flowering: 50–56 days
Yield Yield: 450–500 g / m ²
Genetics Genetics: South African x Ruderalis
Harvest Harvest: 60–70 days
Plant height Plant height: 50–100 cm

13900.00 грн

Number of Seeds:

Только для Украины

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Семян в упаковке:

Auto Power Plant Feminised Silver is a hybrid autoflowering strain that contains nearly equal proportions of indica and sativa in its genetics. This variety is one of the most popular in the Netherlands, where the Dutch are known for their passion for quality cannabis.

The seeds of this variety have a high germination rate, which is good news for cannabis growers. The resin of the plant contains up to 18% THC, and the flowering period takes from 50 to 56 days. The bushes of this compact plant can reach a height of 50 to 100 centimeters, and a grower can harvest up to 500 grams per square meter of crops.

Auto Power Plant Feminised Silver is perfect for both indoor and outdoor growing. This versatile plant is highly adaptable to individual growing conditions. If you show a little attention and patience to your green pet, you will get a great result.

You can buy Auto Power Plant Feminised Silver seeds in bulk in our official store at a nice price and arrange delivery to various cities of Ukraine, including Zaporozhye.

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