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Auto Sugar Gom Silver

Brand: Errors Seeds Silver
Terpenes Terpenes: myrcene
Effect Effect: relaxing
THC THC: unknown
Type Type: Sativa/Ruderalis
Flowering Flowering: 44 days
Yield Yield: 30–50 g per plant
Genetics Genetics: Auto AK x Brazilian Sativa
Harvest Harvest: 50–65 days
Plant height Plant height: 50–120 cm

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0.43 €

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Семян в упаковке:

General characteristics

Regular autoflowering cannabis seeds Auto Sugar Gom have a short life cycle of no more than 65 days, which makes it possible to grow the hybrid for commercial purposes. The genotype of the crop is dominated by sativa genes, although in appearance the bushes are more suitable to the description of indica crops: low shoots with short internodes are covered with a dense carpet of dark green leaves and small, but unusually resinous fruits. The hybrid is unpretentious and can give good results when grown using any of the convenient methods, but Auto Sugar Gom sprouts will be able to reveal their maximum potential only indoors.


Auto Sugar Gom was specially created by breeders in order to surprise with its flavor and aroma palette, record performance and powerful resin separation. Regular autoflowering cannabis seeds Auto Sugar Gom were obtained by crossing a sativa strain from Brazil with the powerful AK-47.

Taste and effect

During flowering, Auto Sugar Gom buds fill the environment with a citrus aroma with a slight touch of sandalwood. However, after drying, the smell of the buds changes and they acquire their famous sweet aroma, in the bouquet of which the smell of roasted coffee, musk and hazelnuts is clearly audible. An incredibly viscous, pleasant sweetness spreads over the body in a slow and lazy wave and fills it with pleasant heaviness and relaxation.

Medical use

Due to its deep sedative effects, Auto Sugar Gom is often used to treat depression, insomnia and neuroses. The powerful calming effect was especially appreciated by doctors, who very often use it to restore peace of mind to their patients.

Guuu  (29/12/2012)


Тупо сатива, накрывает с одного водного, не тупишь вообще, но если курить ещё 2-3 колпака, то сильнее не попрёт, рад что попробовал чистой сативы, теперь знаю что это не моё, дальше буду индичные сорта выращивать. А так сорт хорош, правда цветёт долго, но на последних днях шиши просто в монолитный кристалл срастаются, жалко раньше харвеста коцать, ох как жалко.
Guuu  (04/12/2012)


Всхожесть отменная, мужиков мало, 3 из 10.
Сейчас только на цвет перешли, после НГ харвест, там о качестве отпишусь.
Раман  (16/08/2012)
а ты что не видешь как он цветет ? там сплошные шишки усыпаные кристаллами
DarkPool  (30/06/2012)
Цветение: 4 недели

Сбор Урожая: 75 дней

Немного не понял, цветет он через 4 недели, а собирать надо только через 75 дней?

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