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Dear customers!
Errors Seeds holds the contest for the best video about the company. The main prize is the iPhone X! In order to get the most modern Smartphone you should make a cool video and take part in the contest!
Types of Video:
- Growreport with seeds from Errors Seeds;
- Overview of the store;
- Overview of the company as a whole;
- Review of the parcel from the company;
- Testing of "finished products" from seeds from our company.
- The video should have the logo Errors Seeds;
- It should last at least one and a half (1:30) minutes;
- There must be 200 or more subscribers on the channel;
- The winner of the competition after receiving the prize will have to post a video with its receipt and unpacking;
- In the description of the video, you need to place links to the Ukrainian and Russian stores Errors Seeds with a signature about the country in which the store is located;
- Video must be placed on the channel until 30.11;
- The video of the winner of the contest must remain on the channel even after the finishing of contest.
On the 1st of December, 20 videos, which scored the most views, will reach the semifinal of the contest.
In the period from 4.12 to 25.12, Jahforum users will select the best works from 20 semi-finalists by voting.
Ten videos that will get the most votes will reach the final! Drawing of iPhone X among the finalists will be held on 26.12 on the stream on the official channel Errors Seeds. On the next day (27.12) we will sent the prize the winner!
Give yourself an iPhone X for the New Year!
Sincerely, Errors Seeds.
All questions you can ask at our email [email protected]