A.M.S. Feminised Silver is a stunning cannabis strain that is an indica-dominant hybrid. The name "A.M.S." stands for "Anti Mold Strain", which highlights one of its key features - a high degree of resistance to mold and fungus.
The grade has a moderate THC content, making it accessible to a wide range of grovers, including those who prefer a milder effect. At the same time, A.M.S. Feminised Silver provides a pleasant and long-lasting effect, bringing deep relaxation and a sense of euphoria. It is a great choice for those looking for a way to relax.
The A.M.S. Feminised Silver variety is also known for its sturdy plants and reliable yields. The plants are usually compact and well branched, making it a great choice for both indoor and outdoor grooving. In addition, this variety has a pleasant aroma and flavor that adds to the pleasure of eating it.
A.M.S. Feminised Silver is a cannabis strain that combines mold resistance, moderate THC content, and pleasant effects, making it an attractive choice for both recreational and medical purposes.