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Home Outdoor seeds

Hemp seeds for open ground

Hello, dear customers and guests of our site! The Errors Seeds store is a godsend for growers and all fans of quality cannabis. In this section of the catalog, we have collected for you the best outdoor cannabis seeds from proven breeders in Holland, the USA, Spain, etc. These are the most hardy plants with strong immunity to pests, temperature extremes and adverse weather conditions. Outdoor is also valued for its high yield, luxurious bouquet of taste and aroma. Marijuana growing on the street reveals its properties and potential in the best possible way.

Features of hemp intended for open ground

Powerful, tall (up to 3 meters) plants with a large number of resinous cones, large leaves and spreading branches grow from grains for outdoors. Cannabis growers claim that ideally cultivated indoor cannabis can never compare to outdoor cannabis.

Natural marijuana has the following characteristics:

Please note that marijuana seeds can be grown indoors, but not vice versa. Plants intended for greenhouses and indoors will not be able to produce the desired yield outdoors, as they are much weaker. Many won't even make it to puberty.

Subtleties of growing cannabis seeds outdoors

The right variety of cannabis is the key to the success of the entire sowing campaign. And considering that the cultivation of some strains takes up to 6 months, experimenting with incomprehensible grains is at least a shame. When choosing a sowing mat for the soil, be guided by whether the plant is suitable for growing in your climate zone. This is not difficult to do, since in the card of each product we give a detailed description of the strain, ripening time, plant height, etc. This makes it much easier for customers to choose a crop specifically for their conditions.

Be sure to choose strains that resist cold and fungus. Remember that the ideal conditions for cannabis are sunny and warm. In most of the territory of Ukraine, conditions are favorable, especially in the south and east, in the Kyiv region. If you live in a region with frequent rains and a humid climate, choose strains with a short ripening period. Pay attention to grain germination. First, plant it in a flower pot, and then transplant the grown seedlings into the ground on the street. Provide watering, periodic feeding of bushes will not interfere.

Errors Seeds: The best outdoor marijuana strains!

In our online store you can buy marijuana seeds for open ground of high quality and good germination. We offer only proven grains, we guarantee full compliance with the specified genetics and properties. Delivery is carried out throughout Ukraine and to other countries by mail or transport companies. The price depends on the reputation of the cidibank and the individual characteristics of the variety.

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How to choose and use outdoor marijuana varieties

Before you buy outdoor cannabis seeds, ask the seller if they are suitable for growing outdoors in the climate zone where you plan to grow. Usually this information is indicated on the packages, in the product cards. But it doesn't hurt to clarify, just in case. After all, you must be 100% sure that you will be able to produce high-quality cannabis.

When selecting cannabis seeds outdoors, try to choose strains that resist fungus and cold well. This is especially important, since we don’t have too dry air, as a rule, but very often it is excessively humid. But at the same time, frosts and snow do not happen so rarely with us.

If it rains especially often in your area, then you should buy outdoor cannabis seeds with a short ripening period. It is important to pay attention to the germination of grains. It is recommended to first plant hemp seeds in a pot, and when the seedlings grow up, transplant them into open ground. It is advisable to feed all varieties of marijuana for open ground from time to time.

Frequently asked questions about hemp seeds Outdoor seeds

Which are the cheapest cannabis seeds outdoors?

The cheapest cannabis seeds Outdoor Seeds at Errors Seeds online store are:

What are the most popular outdoor cannabis seeds?

Which outdoor cannabis seeds are the most expensive and premium?

The TOP 5 premium outdoor cannabis seeds in the Errors Seeds online store are:

Cannabis Seeds Outdoor Seeds - Errors Seeds Store Price

Product Price
Cannabis Seeds Himalaya Gold Feminised UAH 661.00
Cannabis Seeds Super Silver Haze Feminised UAH 820.00
Cannabis Seeds Lemon Skunk Feminised UAH693.00
Cannabis Seeds Early Skunk Feminised Gold UAH 87.00
Cannabis Seeds White Widow Feminised Gold UAH 87.00

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